Monday, December 12, 2011

Final Portfolio

Over so soon? Ahh, say good bye to 7:30 class with a room full of kids that thought a four color spread meant it had to be 4 spot colors. Its been fun...

Classical {cabbage} cover: Another last minute design that just so happened to work out.

Native American Heritage Month: Wheres our obnoxious head line Maggart? No where to be found-same can be said for shit fonts on my poster. Making baby pink bad ass..just another day in the office.

World Record: Longest marriage. The one that I turned in for class was tallest hair style but I think that this one was a better idea and had a stronger use of color. Rusty shoved the use of line art down my throat, but he provided an excessive amount of tissue paper for the cause, so humored him. Turns out, ol' Rusty was right again-the line art improved the piece a lot.

Life and Death: Don't Hang yourself, surprise yourself. I tried to redo the "death" one but with little success, turns out I can only make illustrations the night before they due, when the Cardinals are playing in the World Series and I could really care less. Food for thought.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day-um, Gurl! { Look at Dat Weave!}

Ah, my alter ego! Nice weave sista!
OK, This is my world record illustration for tallest hair style. The record I found was set by Marie Antoinette and her hair style was like 3 feet tall. However, I was pretty sure that Lady Gaga has probably either topped that or at least tied it, so, Gaga was the inspiration that I used for the face and head. I designed this to go across a two page spread, because I figured that this much weave couldn't possibly be contained on a 9 X12 page. Boom-pow, world record: donezo. 

Friday, December 2, 2011


Here is some shit for ya :) Bon appetite 

Done, naturally, the day before it was do. I like all of the separate components, the candelabra and the wash/splatter thing. I made the text by cutting the font out of a gold sheet that I spray painted to give it a kind of luxurious/ baroque-y look. I listened to a lot of this guys music and I actually like it. The one that I put on the album was Scarlatti Sonata C Minor K11-L352. Youtube it, bro.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I've Decided

I should be the boss of everything.
I don't know what the hell I want to do with my life, but I know I want to be the boss. I am a reasonable person, therefore I should have the power to tell people no. In FAP, I believe I should have the power to tell dumb ass health kids- NO. But I don't. At my job, when people come in after hours and ask if they can look around while I am cleaning up (making more of a mess for me to clean up, I should be able to say- NO. But Im not the boss so I cant. This should all change. I am a bitch so people would be afraid of me and not be inconsiderate ass holes. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Society of Illustrators

Well, its safe to say Im not a part of the hoity-toity society of illustrators. but here is some stuff that I made just to waist money :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Life and Death: The "Due" or Die Moment

"Don't hang yourself"

"Surprise Yourself"

"Don't hang yourself, surprise yourself" is the design advice that Ashley and I found in a really super helpful book Matt made us by for his class. I started this illustration at 7:30 and came to get it printed at 9.  Not bad timing Maggart. I am actually happy with how these turned out. I think that color/ washes are what I do best and I was wanting to do something more gestural and suggestive than the realistic crap I've been trying to do. Cut throat. Got-er-done.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Viva la Mixer

Oh lorry am I behind. I did this in class today in hopes that it would turn into something I could use for life and death. It didn't. but here it is anyway