Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Final, Finally

On a total of 32 time sheets, I tracked 140 hours. The allotted total time was 238 hours. I must admit, I turned in a lot of time sheets, but I never did get in the habit of it. For example, I think that the biggest thing throwing off my time is that I worked 6 hours a week in class, but I never counted that time into my time sheets. Also, the last few days before the final, the idea of time sheets went totally out the window, and trust me, there were a lot of hours used in these past few days. So, I am pretty sure that at the beginning of the semester, I was over budget on almost everything, but I think I got a little closer to hitting the goals by the end (however, contradictory to what my hours about say, Im pretty sure I was probably over budget overall this semester. Oops!)

The Secret of Feeling full spread is one that I printed out and I think it is one of my favorites. I am partial to the self shot photograph and all of the white and light colors. Its hard to think of what I would go back and change if I could just because it has already had so many changes. I just really enjoy this one. One negative thing I could find is that I cant really picture it being in a real magazine. Not really sure what it is about it but over all, I think the kid done good on this one.
Secrets of Feeling Full
Budget: 6
Time Spent: 5.5 Hours

How Safe? How safe huh? Not safe at all is the answer! I nearly lost my marbles over this one! This is ugh I think my 4th or 5th version of this spread. I must admit that it is the most successful version even though it was the least though out. I think that the over all spread has a nice balance and appealing facade, but I think that something more abrupt and alarming would have been more appropriate for this article. Also, I feel a little bad for my unoriginality on this one. Pretty much just jocked this from what I saw was getting approved in the class. Although I don't have a ton invested in this one, I must put aside my pride (like I must do every other day in Vis Vom) and do something that "just worked". I am happy with my choice to print this one off as well, because the colors turned out beautifully (A really feat for the printers in the lab) Thank you Ashley Buhmann!
How Safe:
Budget: 6
Time Spent: 6 Hours

Herp. Yuck. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Anyway, I think that the color and photograph in the spread are really successful. I will be the first to admit, I didnt really blow anything off the concept map with this one but alas, it has the little red "ok" in the corner, and Ill take 'er! I Think one of my favorite things about this poster (other than the" ballin" eye ball ) is the way that the tan and yellow box in the bottom right corner mildly mimics the National Geographic Logo (I think it helps the poster look a little more legit). I had thought about adding some melting ice to the upper right corner but after experimenting with it, I saw no point in defacing the beautiful photo. (Bee tee dubs, the word HERP is NOT allowed in the vis vom lab from this point on!)
Budget: 6
Time Spent: 2.7 Hours

I totally copy and pasted the descriptions above from my mid term submissions. But, I feel like a blog enough to get away with it. Over all, this project, Im just glad I got to use an image from Print II. Print Print Print.
Budget: 8
Time: 7

Again, there is more of a spiel about this on earlier blogs, but over all, i really liked working on the project.... I kind of got me thinking... maybe I would like to work somewhere like Bass Pro and do this sort of thing... who knows. Not me. Im too tired to function. 
Budget: 16
Time: 6.2


All I can think of is the money I spent on this project. Yeiks
Budget: about 72 (4.5 hours a spread)
Time Tracked: 23.5 
Times spent: more than 23.5

Budget: 7
Time: 5

Snuck these in in my free time

I made my entire beer carrier yesterday. I wish that I would have spread the time out so that Rusty could have looked over it to make changes, but over all it is really close to what I wanted. I has such a hard time with the illustration and naturally, the colors printed out like crap (gotta love that Truman Art Department) but over all, I really like it. I hid a few snarky things that I am curious to see if Rusty will find while grading it. Over all, I think I put it together pretty ok, there are a few nasty exacto cuts and it DOES technically hold the 6 filled bottles but it doesn't like it very much (***So Rusty, when grading PLEASE don't pick up by the handle***)
 6 Pack Design
Bottle Labels 

Catch 22 Dust Jacket...Literally don't want to talk about it

Catch 22 audio book. Started at 11:15 last night finished at 11:45- enough said