Monday, October 17, 2011

Comp till you puke!

Funny story, Im an idiot. This is Demeter who is the goddess of harvest next to what was supposed to be Hades. Thats where it comes into play that I am an idiot, this is not really Hades, but I didn't stop to think about that before I drew it at 2 in the morning. oops. Oh well, this is the one Rusty wants me to re comp and use for life and death. 

Taylor Swift killed country! This comp isn't finished but it was just supposed to show Loretta Lynn, an actual country singer from back in the day juxtaposed with Taylor Swift who is killing the name of country music as we speak. But because these weren't finished, you couldnt really tell what that point was. My b

Tee Hee Hee. If you don't get the life and death in this one, its time to have a talk with your parents

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