Friday, January 28, 2011

In The Works: Red Barn & Jazz Combo

 This is my second version of the Red Barn Poster. The first one was a mushy mess of different scribbles and textures that I made the night before we hand to turn something in. Although this is less than perfect, this poster is a great improvement. I really wanted to show the imagery of a person to show that it was geared towards students without showing a specific student. I had some trouble getting a grid that would work with the composition of the photo that I took, but after some serious threats to my InDesign file, I got things worked out. (Side note: Red Barn, Jazz Combo, and Newsletter project files have all been put in a new folder on my flash drive labeled, "BAAAAHH". For God's sake, Rusty, approve something!

Well, ok, this is probably not going to get approved right now. I needed a concept for the Jazz combo concert and this is the result of being a food deprived Vis Vomm student. Rusty said something about hot sauce (which I instantly rolled my eyes at and disregarded) while brain storming. Stumped and still looking for inspiration, I called a friend and asked him what he thought of when he thought of jazz. His response was "Ya know, that spicy rice stuff with all the goodies in it." It is easy to see that this kid and I are friends mostly because we are both fatties. So, Gumbo it is. The concept might still be a little sketch and the illustrations are ehhh, ya know but we shall see.... (Side note: This is the second version of all of the illustrations, because, after I made them the first time, to reduce the clutter on my screen, I started closing excess windows. I was on a roll of clicking "Don't Save" on all of my nonsensical brainstorming documents, and poof, illustrations gonezo. They should give vis com students medication for instances such as these! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Goudy Old Style Re(Re)Design

I had to call this one my Re(Re)Design because after seeing my origional ReDesign blown up on Rusty's huge projector, I couldn't help wondering, "What the hell was I thinking?!" I finished the redesign under the time budget, leaving me the litte extra buffer time to spruce a few things up before turning it in (I know, how sly of me hehe)

Animation II

Ok, this file does not look quite as good as it did in Photoshop. I was working on this second animation at the same time as the news letter and showed, as both projects came out looking a little half minded. This version that you're seeing is my 4th version of my second animation. I spent 2.5 hours on the first three versions (and trying to figure out the time line animation, which, by the way is so much easier than the individual frames) Once I started to get the hang of it, I made this bad boy in about 20 minutes before leaving the lab after a long day.

News Letter Layout

Oh, the news letter. We had an eight hour time limit for this one and I did it in about four. It was not much fun, but I do, however, look forward to redesigning it, for my pride's sake.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Deserted Island Type List

To pick my 5 “deserted island typeface” list, I decided that I needed to do a relatively quick scan for fonts and then narrow down my options. I started with a large body of text and displayed it on my screen in 15 different fonts. I quickly cut the ones that I saw immediate problems with. Once I got it down to 7, I made them larger to see which ones would work well as headlines as well. (Down to 6- phew, this is a lot of work!) I needed to get rid of one fore so I then looked very closely at the two it was between and made the final cut. My ballin' list of the best typefaces out there is as follows:

Marker Felt
Stencil std

Rosewood Std

Giddyup Std

Just in case Rusty wasn’t down with my ex centric and creative choices, I picked a more boring, practical list as well:

Arno Pro: This one was a winner largely because of it’s ability to
 handle the large body of copy (this one should come in handy for 
the new letter project) It also has a lot of different variations that 
Rusty may or may not allow me to use.

Berkeley: This is another serif font, but it is a little lighter and more spacious that Arno Pro.

Jason Text: This typeface seemed, to me, to be a good mix of the two previous. It is strong and has a similar weight as the Arno, but is a little less compact like the Berkeley.

ITC Stone Sans: I tend do think that San serif fonts look a little less professional than serif fonts, however, they do undoubtedly have a more modern feel. I was able to find two that I like quite well to have in my bag of “deserted island” tricks.

Geneva: Last but not least, the other San-serif font that I chose.Very simple and just a little heavier in appearance that the Stone Sans as well as having a larger vertical scale than the other San serif.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goudy Old Style Animation

Uploaded with

This was my first ever stab at an animation. Infact, when Rusty assigned it, not only did I not know how to do it, I didnt know what it was or that Photoshop could even do such a thing. But, like Goudy, Ol' Maggart's still got it and I finished under the two hour time budget (not half bad if ya ask me)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Typeface Sample Poster

The assignment was to come up with a 13" X 19" poster design to display a chosen typeface ( within three hours!) The font that I chose was Goudy Old Style, and this is what I came up with!