Friday, January 28, 2011

In The Works: Red Barn & Jazz Combo

 This is my second version of the Red Barn Poster. The first one was a mushy mess of different scribbles and textures that I made the night before we hand to turn something in. Although this is less than perfect, this poster is a great improvement. I really wanted to show the imagery of a person to show that it was geared towards students without showing a specific student. I had some trouble getting a grid that would work with the composition of the photo that I took, but after some serious threats to my InDesign file, I got things worked out. (Side note: Red Barn, Jazz Combo, and Newsletter project files have all been put in a new folder on my flash drive labeled, "BAAAAHH". For God's sake, Rusty, approve something!

Well, ok, this is probably not going to get approved right now. I needed a concept for the Jazz combo concert and this is the result of being a food deprived Vis Vomm student. Rusty said something about hot sauce (which I instantly rolled my eyes at and disregarded) while brain storming. Stumped and still looking for inspiration, I called a friend and asked him what he thought of when he thought of jazz. His response was "Ya know, that spicy rice stuff with all the goodies in it." It is easy to see that this kid and I are friends mostly because we are both fatties. So, Gumbo it is. The concept might still be a little sketch and the illustrations are ehhh, ya know but we shall see.... (Side note: This is the second version of all of the illustrations, because, after I made them the first time, to reduce the clutter on my screen, I started closing excess windows. I was on a roll of clicking "Don't Save" on all of my nonsensical brainstorming documents, and poof, illustrations gonezo. They should give vis com students medication for instances such as these! 

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