Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Deserted Island Type List

To pick my 5 “deserted island typeface” list, I decided that I needed to do a relatively quick scan for fonts and then narrow down my options. I started with a large body of text and displayed it on my screen in 15 different fonts. I quickly cut the ones that I saw immediate problems with. Once I got it down to 7, I made them larger to see which ones would work well as headlines as well. (Down to 6- phew, this is a lot of work!) I needed to get rid of one fore so I then looked very closely at the two it was between and made the final cut. My ballin' list of the best typefaces out there is as follows:

Marker Felt
Stencil std

Rosewood Std

Giddyup Std

Just in case Rusty wasn’t down with my ex centric and creative choices, I picked a more boring, practical list as well:

Arno Pro: This one was a winner largely because of it’s ability to
 handle the large body of copy (this one should come in handy for 
the new letter project) It also has a lot of different variations that 
Rusty may or may not allow me to use.

Berkeley: This is another serif font, but it is a little lighter and more spacious that Arno Pro.

Jason Text: This typeface seemed, to me, to be a good mix of the two previous. It is strong and has a similar weight as the Arno, but is a little less compact like the Berkeley.

ITC Stone Sans: I tend do think that San serif fonts look a little less professional than serif fonts, however, they do undoubtedly have a more modern feel. I was able to find two that I like quite well to have in my bag of “deserted island” tricks.

Geneva: Last but not least, the other San-serif font that I chose.Very simple and just a little heavier in appearance that the Stone Sans as well as having a larger vertical scale than the other San serif.


  1. The first list sucks. The second list is good. Not boring, but flexible. Giddy-up, really.

  2. Thought you would like that!
    Giddy-Up and YeeHaw, Rusty!
