Friday, September 30, 2011

What's that I see? Positivity?

FIRST "OK" OF THE SEMESTER!!! Enough to bring a smile to even my face! (Of course, he told me I have to change a bunch of stuff, but hey, I'll take what I can get)

Bon weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Never Again!

Never, EVER again will I draw hands. Uhg! I know better than to choose a subject matter that I care about , but I did it anyway because I suck. Well here ya go.

Producing a Product

Creature of habit, I'm in love with my mixer.  I knew that this is what I was going to make for my product illustration, but I decided to make a few more while I was waiting for this one to dry.

I think that I actually liked this illustration a little more, but Rusty, being the dream crusher that he is, wouldn't let me use it because of the colored background.

Crotch spray. I told Rusty I was going to make one just to make him uncomfortable because he would help give me any ideas. Do my dismay, he said all he said was that he lived in a house with all women. Shit.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Let there be COLOR!

Well, not that these are anything to be too proud of, but I didn't really mind doing them. I felt like using the color and getting rid of the line art make it kind of like watercoloring on the computer (less messy AND less expensive than doing the real thing._

Black and white wacom wonders

Open subject matter can really tell you a lot about a person... haaa shoes, sheep "sauce"

Hey! Everybody come see how good I look!

Well I may not be able to water color, but thank the lord, I am ridiculously good looking

I think this was my fav, I like the wash and I don't know if its allowed, but I like the look of the pencil line art a lot more than the sharpie, its more subtle and more forgiving fa sho. Really like the bottom of the shirt. Mmm, nice

Something wonkey going on with those eye balls. kinda like the strokes in the sweater and hair though

Vis Vomm II rises again! bwahahah! this is by far the most accurate depiction of what I look like on a daily basis. I was gonna go in and add line art but Im glad I didn't. (side note, noo freaking clue why the eye brows are brown, I was using the same orange as everything else, oops)

Daymn gurrrl look at deem lips. haha I may have over done those a little. but hey, the shirt's not all that bad.

Friday, September 23, 2011

big ass shit

I hate illustration board.
I bought a big make up brush to make the puffy flowers. it didn't work

Make it bigger, make it badder

I guess Rusty thought that if we had to use more money on bigger paper we could make better illustrations.. love proving him wrong 

Don't look the bitch in the eye

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well, when were supposed to do the last three in class watercolor/ line arts I pooped out instead. So, I took it upon myself (being the excellent student that I am ) do to them at home

Large Line Art

These are the large scale line art drawings that we had to do. I kept putting it off because I was sure that I was going to crank out better line art that I would want to make larger scale... Not the case. Instead, I just sent Rusty a frantic e-mail the night before it was due to select which three to reproduce. Oops

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oh Em Eff Geeeeee!

So, uhmm.... cold press. what the fuck. thanks for the heads up that the texture was NOTHING like watercolor paper. 

its gonna be a rough night

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oh, Lord, Won't You Buy Me a Night on the Town

Oh, Lord wont you buy me a night on the town

I countin' on you, Lord, please don't let me down

Prove that you love me and buy the next round

Oh, Lord, wont you buy me a night on the town

Nobody says it quite as well as Janise

(Clearly, I am over do for a margarita. Although, by looking at my leaning glasses, it might look like I've already had a few when I did these. Not the case)

When Two Become One

When two become one; one huge ass mess. So Rusty says, "hey guys, you know how bad you were at line art? Remember how much you suck at water color? Ok, now throw it all together on the same page!" Gee, thanks bro.

Solid line art. Oh, wait..

I should probably stop trying to illustrate things I like, it makes it even more depressing when it sucks. These all needed more control of watercolor and I needed to to in and add more line art.

Bahah these were supposed to be boots. Annnd there is kind of no line art. uhg

Don't want to talk about it

Post 51

Upon logging onto blogger, I saw that my last post was my 50th on this blog; fifty times of my logging on to bitch and moan about the trials and tribulations of Vis Vomm. So why should this be any different? ...


Ok, now that thats been said, here are three of the in class watercolors. (I'll give you a hint, they are egg plants, you cant really tell from the paintings)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Architecture watercolors

Ok, so I'm a little cheater cheater pumpkin eater, but when I heard Rusty say that combining watercolor and line art was almost idiot proof, I decided it was defiantly worth a shot. This one above is my favorite that I did this weekend. They were all modeled after the round barn (except for the crappy chicken coop)

This one has pretty heavy application but I do like the vivid colors. I don't like that there isn't a focal point, but when you're supposed to shit these things out overtime ya turn around, you cant expect perfection .

Ehh, OooOp. Playing with application techniques? 

"Chicken Coop" aka shelby is awesome at perspective 

Dear God, I'm in pre- school