Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hey! Everybody come see how good I look!

Well I may not be able to water color, but thank the lord, I am ridiculously good looking

I think this was my fav, I like the wash and I don't know if its allowed, but I like the look of the pencil line art a lot more than the sharpie, its more subtle and more forgiving fa sho. Really like the bottom of the shirt. Mmm, nice

Something wonkey going on with those eye balls. kinda like the strokes in the sweater and hair though

Vis Vomm II rises again! bwahahah! this is by far the most accurate depiction of what I look like on a daily basis. I was gonna go in and add line art but Im glad I didn't. (side note, noo freaking clue why the eye brows are brown, I was using the same orange as everything else, oops)

Daymn gurrrl look at deem lips. haha I may have over done those a little. but hey, the shirt's not all that bad.

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