Thursday, February 10, 2011

Daily Diet {Food N' Pills}

Nom Nom Nom! Just the daily diet of a "Vis Vommer" ..... Thats a joke, we dont really have time to eat, but pills on the other hand, MmmMMmm. Ok, seriously, these are pretty self explanatory, these are just 3 of the 48 photos I took to use on the Secrets of Feeling Full spread. But, to add to the post, I will complain below and explain why we should be given pills when declaring vis vom as a major.

My hands are purple because this lab is unreasonably freezing. My pandora stations are all wack right now. My eyeballs hurt. But, worst of all, I can hear the screams and laughter of the Theatre majors. You know, the people that are ALWAYS on the couches on the OP lobby. Those people need to get a real major and stop being so happy, it's pissing me off. Love, the angsty Art Major

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