Thursday, February 10, 2011

Playing Catch Up {Desperate Attempts Of The Angsty One}

Hokay, so I know the layout about is really gross, but to point out the positive, it is MUCH better than my first one (it was too bad to even make it to the blog, and thats saying a lot, seeing as I have no shame). Another high note, I managed to use yet another kitchen aid product in a design {Kitchen Aid = love FOREVER}. Pretty ok colors as well (minus the gross brown/black chunk in the bottom corner). I did make the peel shaving my the peeler and photoshopped the peel off the potato. They are by no means very well crafted, but I was a little excited about it. That was, until I stepped back and saw how bad this was..Then I moved on to better things (Below)

Im sure Rusty's infamous RED PEN will still do a doozy on this one (even though the colors will totes clash--uugggh) But I think I'm on the right track with this one. Fingers Crossed!  

The First Version of this bad boy didn't have an image on it. (Nice image in this one though eh? Why thank you very much, I thought it was nice as well.) I also changed the type a TON, but you will never know because Im not putting the first yucky thing on here. Again fingers crossed for diss one!

Hehe that's a line from "How to Train Your Dragon" (my favorite line to be exact, but who watches Disney movies, come on, we're all mature designers in the making here) Anyway... moving on... This is the Herp  poster. That word is still making me cringe. I said I wasn't going to put it on my poster but it ended up being hard to avoid so I just made it a 12pt font. Yuck. Well this isnt really what I wanted to do for this, I actually had a concept that I was just too incompetent to accomplish so I took the same, stupid, cheese, cliche route that 90% of the class did and put an effing lizard on it. Take a moment, let the disappointment soak in.... Ok now, again, trying to throw something positive in there. I kinda know what's up when it comes to choosing colors.

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