Friday, February 18, 2011

Design Pet Peeves

To be boring and start with the obvious, I too have become frustrated with lazy typesetting. Widows, line breaks etc. I can no longer look through a Better Homes and Garden Magazine without circling errors with the closest, handy writing utensil. Thank you vis comm, you have literally ruined even the most simple joys in life. 

Another is about the programs we use. Why can't Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign have the same short cuts? Is this a test? Oh, hey, whats up Photoshop? One Apple Z is all your going to cough up? Really? Nonsence. Illustrator, command D, look into it, InDesign's got it, you do not. InDesign, you need to work on keepin' track of my links. Embed them with a tracking device, give them a prefix of  "Don't Move this File Somewhere Else, Dumbass", ya gotta do something, you're not really keeping up with my needs or the needs of my layouts.

I do not like posters (or any other lay out) that asks me a rhetorical question. It is lazy and nagging. "What's In Your Future?" Well, nosey poster, I cant be quite sure, but, right now Im going to finish my coffee and walk away from you.

Stock Images. Vector brushes. The whole like of them. I am quite unimpressed with your ability to copy and paste. Use them if you must, brag about using them if you don't know better.

I like white. The white of paper, something clean. Clutter and information close to margins stresses me out a tad.

...To be continued.

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