Monday, February 21, 2011

Native American Posters {Rough start, but a start}

These are the first draft of my Native American Heritage Month posters. I got a really late start on them but I really hope its worth it. My late start actually have method behind it. I had no concept until this Friday. Rather than use a lot of my time developing posters with no concept, I focused my attention on digging up something that would go farther than just stating the event. One night, when I had to admit to myself that I wasn't getting anywhere, I asked Matt for help, and thank God I did. We went through and advertising book that he had and talk about why the posters in it were so successful. They were selling a product with out stating what it was at all. Several of the things we looked at were also in a series of three with is really helpful for this project in particular. Another reason the ads were so successful was because of the photography and imagery. Sadly, I don't think my imagery is quite up to par and I really need to work on manipulating it to make it look better  with the two color limitation. Also, these haven't gone through a crit yet, so I am hoping that the concept translates well to someone other than me.

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