Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bon Voyage Freaks!

Well, in true Shelby fashion, I restarted this about a jilion times! Alas, the 32 page booklet has been approved. 32 pages Shelby? Really? Why, ya coulda done 20? Well, although it was expensive and a pain in the butt, I am glad that I chose to spread this out over more pages and rework all of the images. My document started off as being really image heavy (I am now addicted to National Geographic Travel Photos). But after working with it and reading the text, I realized, "Hey, this is really more about getting organized and helping students get prepared to study abroad. So, I tried to put myself in their shoes and ask myself, "what would I find helpful if it were me?" I decided that beautiful images of places that Truman may not even offer in Study Abroad probably want the best solution. So, I decided to just make the text organized and easy to follow with out being stale. Im quite pleased with how it turned out. (Even though printing a color proof cost me and arm and a leg and much anxiety) 

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