Monday, March 14, 2011

{ in theory }

I think it is safe to day that today was by far the most entertaining day of our little vis com lives. Rusty acted as a one man circus (will minor assistance from the only other male in the class). Acting like "a bull in a china shop", Rusty managed to fling every shred of plastic and ever wing nut in the building across the room of the lab. This made me nervous. Then, I thought, heck, if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em. So, I pulled out my camera and started to document a little of the madness. Aside from the less than graceful assembly of the very expensive camera equipment, it was fun to listen to Rusty pretend like he knew what he was talking about. This included the phrase "so, in theory, this should work"

Rusty and Corey taring stuff up
There is such thing as a boom for photography lighting. Rusty was having too  much fun
Tee Hee
How many collage professors does it take to screw in a light bulb? (BT Dubs, this light bulb blew up merely seconds after this photo was taken)
Rusty trying to fix his "oops"

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