Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One down, two to go

That is all....

Oh wait, no its not. I got poison ivy while taking these pictures and I am PISSED! But the posters are approved and that's whats important :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

{MOOvin' forward}

These Wick Fowler series posters have been kicking my butt. I have thought of about 10 ideas that would work in a series, but I haven't been able to execute any of them for various reasons. So there I was, the second to last week of the semester with no clue what to do for these stinking posters. I was brainstorming with my sister about what I could do for imagery. We were trying to think of how to show a cow being spicy and out of no where, from across the room, my mom yells out, "How 'bout Pepper Tits". Of course my sister and I just busted out laughing, but it was actually what god this whole idea started By "pepper tits", my mom meant making the cows udders look like peppers. Its weird but we were able to think of a few more things that we could do to make it work in a series. I tried to spoof on the whole "no acquired images" rule but Rusty busted me. So, this is just a post of some pictures that I took this weekend for the posters. 

We bottle fed her when she was a baybay :)

Suzie (aka the sausage)

Diss is my fraaan

She is SO cute!

hehe silly

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Signed, Sealed, Delivered {Self-Mailer} is yours

DAHH! S of I. I am no illustrator and this project was throwing me for a big loop. There is a lot of pressure to choose good imagery for a poster that is so large (24 X 36). I started doing a photoshop illustration of a women's legs and booty, but was very relieved when Rusty said that I could use one of my prints from print making. So that is the imagery on the front ( done from a 18 X 24 etching plate). The text on the back has also been through a dramatic transformation. A few times when I showed the text to Rusty he circled something and just said "I hate this". NIiiIIicccCee going Maggart. But, after about pulling my hair out, it got the "ok".  The front (the image) has the go ahead and the back (the text) has an "ok with alts". I need to bump up the "Call for Entries" section to center it in its folded section and I need to add that it is the 54th Exhibition somewhere bigger.


I finally got the "ok" on my Rapala POP. The actual size of this is 14" wide by 36" high. It gets folded in half vertically (so the real deal won't really look like the fishies are kissing). I got the idea for this by looking at POPs at Wal*Mart. Once it is folded in half, the two open ends go in to little clear plastic clips (two or three of them) The clear plastic clips ad hear to the wall or shelf and then the 3' POP can act as a divider. I think that this is a nice photo and I think that it could actually be a functional design in a place like Bass Pro. There were a lot of different versions of this, but overall, once I knew what kind of POP I was going to do, it came together pretty quickly. (The copy at the top says, " With more world records than any other lure, Rapala is your sure bet for the best catch.)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Put this in your pipe and smoke it

You forgot about the Smokey project? Not this chick. I have been freaking about finishing this for weeks and weeks and now I will never have to work with it ever again. approved approved approved approved !

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

{ Hook, Line, and Sinker }

After only few days of minor tinkering, and lost of major COB for the lures, we've got a spread that Rusty said "isn't too bad". The ultimate compliment around the Truman art department. This bad boy got the ok today and is ready to be shown to the world. *I would like to note that I came up with the copy under the lures and did any adjustments to the main copy that I could, but that nonsensical crap was not written by me. I really like the photo of my dad at the top and I think that Rusty's suggestion of adding the Rapala logo in the sky works really nicely. See ya later Rapala week, it's been fun 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Well, today was an exceptional day. Rather than vis com being the reason I has to sit in a cold, stale room all day, I got to use it as an excuse to brake in my new (pink) fishing pole! My dad is a fishing enthusiast and has passed his love for fishing on to me. Ok, so you heard me say, "My dad is a fishing enthusiast," right? As soon as I told him that I was doing an article design for Repala, every Bass Pro and Cabala's magazine he has obtained over the past 20 years was spread out on the kitchen table. This was soon followed by him busting out a tackle box that I didn't even know he had. You see, there is the every day crappie tackle box that I have become quite familiar with, but this, this tackle box was three times the size and about three times as old. So, once it came out, he literally took out every single lure and told me a story about each one (several weren't even Rapalas haha). So that was a very cute, but lengthy process, but after I took individual photos of some of them, it was time to hit the lake (for a photo shoot only, we were very aware that we wouldn't be catching anything.) Dad was a really good sport when I was taking his picture and the weather turned out to be so so so beautiful! Today I took well over 1,000 photos and hath since combed over them and narrowed it down to about 350. As I start to put the fishing layout together, I realize that I wont even be able to use most of them because it is a pretty text heavy lay out, so I just wanted to post a few of my favorites and a sneak peak into what might turn up in the spread! Enjoy!