Thursday, April 21, 2011


I finally got the "ok" on my Rapala POP. The actual size of this is 14" wide by 36" high. It gets folded in half vertically (so the real deal won't really look like the fishies are kissing). I got the idea for this by looking at POPs at Wal*Mart. Once it is folded in half, the two open ends go in to little clear plastic clips (two or three of them) The clear plastic clips ad hear to the wall or shelf and then the 3' POP can act as a divider. I think that this is a nice photo and I think that it could actually be a functional design in a place like Bass Pro. There were a lot of different versions of this, but overall, once I knew what kind of POP I was going to do, it came together pretty quickly. (The copy at the top says, " With more world records than any other lure, Rapala is your sure bet for the best catch.)

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