Sunday, April 24, 2011

{MOOvin' forward}

These Wick Fowler series posters have been kicking my butt. I have thought of about 10 ideas that would work in a series, but I haven't been able to execute any of them for various reasons. So there I was, the second to last week of the semester with no clue what to do for these stinking posters. I was brainstorming with my sister about what I could do for imagery. We were trying to think of how to show a cow being spicy and out of no where, from across the room, my mom yells out, "How 'bout Pepper Tits". Of course my sister and I just busted out laughing, but it was actually what god this whole idea started By "pepper tits", my mom meant making the cows udders look like peppers. Its weird but we were able to think of a few more things that we could do to make it work in a series. I tried to spoof on the whole "no acquired images" rule but Rusty busted me. So, this is just a post of some pictures that I took this weekend for the posters. 

We bottle fed her when she was a baybay :)

Suzie (aka the sausage)

Diss is my fraaan

She is SO cute!

hehe silly

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