Thursday, April 21, 2011

Signed, Sealed, Delivered {Self-Mailer} is yours

DAHH! S of I. I am no illustrator and this project was throwing me for a big loop. There is a lot of pressure to choose good imagery for a poster that is so large (24 X 36). I started doing a photoshop illustration of a women's legs and booty, but was very relieved when Rusty said that I could use one of my prints from print making. So that is the imagery on the front ( done from a 18 X 24 etching plate). The text on the back has also been through a dramatic transformation. A few times when I showed the text to Rusty he circled something and just said "I hate this". NIiiIIicccCee going Maggart. But, after about pulling my hair out, it got the "ok".  The front (the image) has the go ahead and the back (the text) has an "ok with alts". I need to bump up the "Call for Entries" section to center it in its folded section and I need to add that it is the 54th Exhibition somewhere bigger.

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